Song vs Silence

     Over the winter break, I had a terrible cold. It left me feeling weak and awful for at least a week and left me with no voice to sing on Sunday. I absolutely love singing; not just because I enjoy it or because God has gifted me with music. Singing is my favorite way to give praise to God.

     The word "sing" in the English Standard Version Bible is mentioned 115 times. We are commanded to sing and to direct our praise to the only One deserving of praise: Jesus. On Sunday, I played guitar and mouthed the words to the songs as Olivia and Alex lead. I got praise the Lord for sure, but I realized how much singing actually does for my soul. You see, when I sing at church, at a coffeeshop, or with friends, every frustration, joy, piece of anger, emotion, etc comes out in a SONG to the Lord. I began to wonder what it would be like to not ever sing out during a song of worship. The more you sing out, the more you believe the truth of the song. You can almost feel it. Worship through song is such a tangible way to see God's church and your faith in action. 

When I get sick and cannot sing, even my mood changes. I get quieter, and often sad. I know that God is still ever-glorious in those moments, but sometimes a song can help me remember what God tells me in Scripture.


Silence brings every daily thought to a hault and forces you to question purpose, why you work, why you praise God, who you are...etc. (You know, those deep moments in life that cause you to think of every philosophical thought you've ever had.)  I personally don't like being quiet for too long, and if you know me, you're probably laughing because you know that I'm pretty talkative. I love when every moment is filled with talking, song, or laughter.

However, I am currently trying to embrace the silence. To learn, to read scripture, to pray, to seek God when life becomes (for a moment) less busy. Silence helps me reflect on my life and to remind myself of why I need to seek the Lord. 

My challenges to you are this:

1. Actually sing songs of praise to God; even if you don't feel like it. Sing loud and respond in praise because God is so worthy. Praise with your life and with your lips.

2. Embrace the silence. Even when you feel alone, bored, or just stuck in the mundane of life. Pray, cry out to the Lord, ask Him your questions. Listen to what the Lord is leading you to do, or who He is leading you to talk to.

Come prepared to sing a new song to the Lord on Sunday. In your alone moments in the car this week, pray. Here's a song for you to learn for the next couple weeks at church. You are loved my friend! See you on Sunday!

Love you all! 


The Importance of Singing

     Recently, I've been reminded on the importance of singing. I'm not talking about just any song, but specifically singing praise to God. When the day is long, stress is high, and it's only Monday, it can be difficult to remember God's promises and truths. We too often forget the goodness and faithfulness of Christ. It isn't always that we don't know or believe these truths, it's just that we wander from God's scripture, His truth, and probably our prayer life. 

When we don't feel like praising God, that's probably exactly when we should. If we only praised God when we felt good, we would seldom praise Him. For me, I've found the days that I've worshipped, prayed, and sought the Lord help keep my perspective on eternal things. No, I may not have a good day, and I may not feel good. But I can rest and know that God will sustain me and that His grace is sufficient. A song might even lighten my mood. 

Creation sings His praise.

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." -Psalm 19:1

Shout to the Lord all the earth let us sing. Power and majesty sing praise to the king. Mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound. (Yes, this is "Shout to the Lord," by Hillsong). We know how much creation sings. Even the rocks cry out if we don't praise him. The birds sing their song in tune every morning. The whole earth is filled with His glory. Let's be a body of Christ that gladly sings along with creation. 

The Bible commands us to sing.

I understand that not everyone likes to sing. However, the benefits of singing God's truth over ourselves alone, or in a congregation, can be encouraging; even healing to the soul.  There is something about singing a melody of truth over and over that really helps us believe what we are singing. For example, when you get to the last chorus of "It Is Well Will My Soul", you begin to really believe and remember that "Yes! It really IS well with my soul!" Despite ever-changing circumstances, we can be still and know that He is God.

Singing helps us remember scripture.

Have you ever sang a song and realized it's straight out of scripture? Or vice-versa? I've been in moments where I am deeply troubled, but then had a familiar tune of a hymn come to mind. It reminds me of God's truth. Just like praying aloud or hearing someone pray can bring comfort and truth, so can a song.

People sang in the Bible.

Moses's sister Miriam sang when they left Egypt (Exodus 15:21). David sang to King Saul when he was troubled by an evil spirit (1 Samuel 16:23). Paul and Silas sang in prison (Acts 16:25). The angels sing in heaven: "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty who was and is, and is to come."(Revelation 4:8)

"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God." -Psalm 100:1-3a
Need more music? Check out a playlist here.


JESUS fled to EGYPT!

     I just read Matthew 2. I got to the part where King Herod issued a decree to kill all the male children in and around Bethlehem. This was prophesied by Jeremiah.  Jesus, the Messiah, God's only son, wasn't safe in Bethlehem. So Joseph, Jesus's father, had a dream to take Jesus and Mary to Egypt. This really hit me when I read this passage. Egypt: A place that was not going to be his home. A place that generations before, had been a place of slavery for the Israelites for 400 years. If we look back to Exodus, we see the life of Moses. Moses was also supposed to be killed as a young male child. But God's provision safely floated baby Moses to Pharaoh's daughter. Moses grows up, God issues the ten plagues, parts Red Sea, and leads the Israelites spend 40 more years in the wilderness, and THEN the promise land is gained (AKA Israel). 

     So at Jesus' birth, you'd think the Savior of the world would stay safely in Israel. NOPE. Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus are basically refugees seeking safety in Egypt. Baby Jesus rest safely in Egypt of all places until King Herod dies. That is the sovereignty and provision of a loving God taking care of His Son, Jesus.

     We can rest assured that God will take care of us. We can look forward to Christ's return, knowing that He will bring us safely into His Promised Land of Heaven in due time. Heaven is gained by the death of Jesus slain on the cross. Jesus is the perfect spotless Lamb who was preserved and sacrificed for us. Praise God!

"Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow."

-Merry Christmas, 




Be Reminded

Brothers & Sisters in Christ:

     This week I want you to be reminded that you are loved, prayed for, and that you are not alone. Whatever trail, struggle, temptation, or hardship, God is still God. He's walking through the tough times with you. Know that you have a family of believers, that is the Church, to encourage and walk through life with you. 

     This year, my church family has meant so much to me with the loss of my mom and just trying to transition to new things in life. The encouragement I've received in my lowest times has helped me know God's character even more. In a world where we are told to become "our best selves" and rise to the top, we can often forget the importance of community. A body of believers can help hold us accountable to our weaknesses and encourage us when we need it. I am thankful for each and every one of you and your impact on my life. 

     So in the midst of your trial, seek the Lord first. Go to scripture. Then, find a brother or sister in Christ to seek godly wisdom from. You are called into community that should reflect God's character. 

I'll see you all on Sunday to worship our God together!

This week's playlist:

  • All Creatures of Our God & King (Hymn)
  • Mighty to Save (Hillsong)
  • When My Heart Is Torn Asunder (Phil Wickham)
  • You're Beautiful (Phil Wickham)
  • Pass Me Not (Hymn, Fernando Ortega)



Freedom to Worship

     This week, men, women, and children were persecuted and killed for their faith in the Middle East. As I read this article, I couldn't help but cry and have a heavy heart for the families. I was deeply saddened, but also encouraged by the boldness of these men and women. They professed the name of Jesus until their last breath. The article states that more and more Muslims are are converting to faith in Jesus Christ. Today, I hurt for the families of these martyred believers, yet I rejoice that they are in the presence of our Savior right now because of the grace and faith of Jesus Christ!  

    So today, remember what a privilege it is to worship Jesus Christ without fear of persecution or death. I praise God that I can freely worship Him. We ought to be so thankful and all the more excited to worship our God and Savior. 

Here's the setlist for this week!

1. Oh How I Need You (All Sons & Daughters)

2. In Christ Alone

3. Even More (Lydia Simonds)

4. You Hold It All Together (All Sons & Daughters)

5. Tis' So Sweet to Trust in Jesus 

I am thankful that I get to worship with you on Sunday! Bring a guest and I'll set you then! 

The Joy of the Lord is My Strength

     Nehemiah 8:18 reminds us that the JOY of the LORD is our strength. Through times of confusion, pain, mourning, etc., we can become very weak; especially spiritually. I've experienced this recently with the passing of my mother in January. I've experienced anxiety and had moments where I don't feel like myself. I have people in my life that remind me of truth, but the best encouragement has come from prayer and time with the Lord. On my own strength, there is no way I could get through the day. My strength is short-lived. God's strength is consistent.

     We you are weary, remember the truth: You do not have to rely on YOUR strength. The Lord is good and sovereign.

     As we have been discussing in Joshua, the Lord goes before us. There is nothing that will surprise Him. When we are faced with temptation, run to Him, knowing He will supply your every need. In all things, allow His joy to carry you through the day. 

Church Worship Playlist

Here is a link to our worship playlist for the next couple Sundays. We are excited for this calendar season which highlights the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and Pentecost where the Holy Spirit fell upon the church (See Acts 2). Feel free to share this with your friends and family. We are excited to continue in worship as the Church body. 


Hope In God

“Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.” –Psalm 42:5


In Psalm 42, we find David facing sadness, worry, and isolation. David is scared and worried because of enemies all around him. He has to command himself to “Hope in God” two times within this Psalm. At times he feels like God is very far off and distant. David questions himself and asks “why are you cast down…? He knows he has every reason to praise God, to not be anxious, to have peace. David reminds himself of truth: that he is not alone, and that the Lord is his salvation.


We have to do this in our daily walk with the Lord. This “reminding myself of truth,” has been very helpful in my walk with the Lord. I have to mentally remind myself to put my Hope in God, knowing that God’s Hope is a certain Hope. I have to sing songs to the Lord to carry me through the day. I have to read His Word daily in order to know truth compared to the world’s lies.


As a church, reminding ourselves and each other to put our Hope in the Lord is vital. May we be a church that actively seeks to encourage one another in Truth.


A Song for Advent

This past Sunday was the first season of Advent and with the new season came a new song! "We Are Waiting" is a song that we wrote specifically to bring our church to the heart of Advent, the waiting and the longing for Jesus to make all things right and new. 

Our soul it waits for the Lord
He is our help and our shield

Our hearts are glad in Him
Because we trust in His holy name
Let Your steadfast love oh Lord be upon us
Even as we hope in You

We are waiting
Come and save us
Make our world your home

strengthen us ‘til
We surround your throne

We wait for the day
When Your children are changed

And all men will know Your name
And we’ll look for a land
That You’ve built with Your hand

A kingdom that has no end.


A Different Perspective

     Here's a little about my past ten months serving at Redeeming Grace:

 I came to Redeeming Grace in January of 2015 to serve as an intern. I had the opportunity to lead worship, work with students, and serve in any other way that the church needed. I quickly fell in love with the people of Redeeming Grace, the city of Loganville, and how God allowed me to use my talents for His glory. Music has always been my favorite way to serve the Lord and leading worship is how He gifts me to lead His people in corporate worship. Not only did I get to serve leading worship, I got to work with high school students, write blogs, serve in community outreaches, and simply just be a part of the Church. I had grown so much just being in a community of believers at Redeeming Grace. Around April, it was getting close for my internship to end. However, the Lord had been slowly working on my heart. I couldn’t begin to even think about leaving Redeeming Grace. My walk with Christ was growing, I was serving in all the ways Christ has given me, and I felt like I was home every Sunday at church. It did not make any sense to leave, and I had an overwhelming peace that I needed to stay. I told Chris that I was thinking about staying and he and the rest of the church quickly supported my decision.

Chris and Stephanie have been a constant encouragement in my walk with Christ, giving advice when needed. I have been able to encourage the students or give advice on things that I have gone through or am experiencing. They’ve encouraged me as well. I have the privilege of leading worship and singing with people who have a passion for the Lord. They are also all super talented!

A few years ago, I was angry with the American church. Angry. Confused. Frustrated. Hardened towards people that I should love. I struggled to understand why people were so two-faced and not living out the Biblical church. God showed me over the course of a few years, that HE IS CONSTANT. He was, is, and will be forever consistent. The Lord was patient with me during my time of prolonged disobedience, so I have to be patient and gracious to His Church. The Lord has softened my heart and allowed me to be more patient with the Church. I am still very passionate about living out a Biblical example of the Church. Still, when I see or hear something that angers me, I am quickly reminded that that was me just a few years ago. I was the judgmental, prideful church-goer that kind of turned her nose up at “sinners.” I never would I have said I dealt with being so unloving, for I was too blinded by my pride. But today, I have graciously been humbled by a Father filled with compassion.

I can honestly say this has been the best and most difficult year of my life. My mother has Multiple Sclerosis (MS), which is a nerve disease that slowly takes over the body. She can no longer walk, bathe, eat, or leave the house by herself. My heart struggles daily with anger towards sin causing the disease versus knowing the grace that God’s grace is sufficient. My family has grown closer in some ways, yet farther in others. Thankfully, my brother Luke and I have grown so close within this last year. He has become one of my best friends and one of my best brothers in Christ. A few months ago, I realized that I struggle with a little bit of anxiety. However, breakdowns reminded me that God is still reigning and in control despite my worry and confusion.

This has also been the best year of my life. I get to serve at a church where I feel excited to go and learn every Sunday. I get to be encouraged by the body of Christ continually. I have never felt more at home at a church than when I’m at Redeeming Grace. I even dread leaving after services sometimes. I know that God has placed me here for a reason and I am excited to see how He uses our church to impact Loganville with the truth of the Gospel in the upcoming days, months, and years.


Two things that I have learned this year:

-Seek to leave people encouraged.

-Know you are not alone. We have the body of Christ and most importantly, Christ Himself.


See you Sunday! 


The Two Extremes

In Luke 15, Jesus tells the parable of a man who had two sons. We see one son ask for his father’s inheritance, run off, waste his life on sin and return home to his father thinking he has no chance or right to be called or treated like a son. The older son stays home, works for his father, and stays obedient. When the young, rebellious son returns home, we see the father embrace his son with compassion and throw a huge party in honor of his son’s return. The older son is jealous and angry that the younger son was treated so favorably while he himself had been so obedient all the years serving his father. The father reminds the older son that he has always been by his side and everything the father owns is also his.

Both of the sons deal with an extreme. The younger son looks thinks he has been destroyed by his reputation and actions. The older son think his reputation and actions should qualify himself to earn more respect than his younger brother. The younger son is approached with grace and without condemnation from the father. The father treats him with a feast because nothing can take away the fact that that is his son. The older son has to be reminded that he is also a son and has been faithful all the years. He is stuck on his righteous acts and believes that he is entitled to an inheritance. His works would have never saved him, but the fact that he is a son of his father gives him an inherited value and worth. (Read Luke Chapter 15:11-32 for the whole story here.)

Balancing these two extremes of self-hate and egotism is very difficult. It can be harmful to dwell on either too long in our walk with Christ. I can’t live a life acting like I’m not forgiven, yet I have to keep in mind that I do not deserve forgiveness. Live like you are forgiven, and meekly remember that you would be nothing without the Father. As Pastor David said in our last sermon, “Forgiveness is the source of incredible joy in our lives.” Live in that joy.

We cannot earn an inheritance. We have to be born or adopted into one.

When we worship, we should come to the Father humbly and boldly because of what Christ has done and who we are in Him.

Have a great week!


Freedom To Worship

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. -2 Corinthians 3:17

What freedom we have in Christ. We have the freedom to approach Him boldly as we learned in Hebrews, yet humbly like a child; knowing that He has our every need. During the past few weeks of studying "The Lord's Prayer," I have learned so much on how we should approach our God and Savior. Seeing Jesus demonstrate how we should approach "Our Father in heaven," has been humbling and renewing. Just the fact that Jesus, our God in the flesh, prays to the Father should motivate us even more to prayer, and to pray as Jesus does in Matthew chapter six. 

With each day, we are given breath and a new day by God to glorify Him in the best way possible.  What a privilege! By the blood of Jesus Christ, we can worship a God who is high and exalted. He died for us to have a relationship with Him; to grow and glorify Him with our lives. We have a freedom that is by the Spirit. I have to constantly remind myself that God deserves all of the praise, honor, and glory. Let's worship Him, remembering that He died, defeated our death and his, and rose again in order to bring us to Him. Praise be to God! 

I pray for the church this week. That as we go, we would be reminded of Christ's sacrifice for our sins and His love for us. That we would be reminded of the freedom we have to approach Him, without fear, and glorify His name.

I love you all! Have a great week!

-Lydia :)


"Who Do You Say I Am?"

     In Matthew 16:13-20, Jesus asks the disciples, "who do people say that the Son of Man is?"

The disciples tell Jesus that the people say he is a prophet or John the Baptist. But then Jesus redirects the question and ask the disciples: "who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter says: "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God!" 

Jesus points out that only the Father in heaven could ever reveal such a claim as this. 

So we must ask ourselves, "who do we say Jesus is?" Because the answer to this question affects our worship, our praise, and our view of God. If we respond like Peter, this requires an action. Jesus told Peter that he would build the church upon that claim, that Jesus is the Messiah and Son of the living God. We must act as a Church, proclaiming this good news as we go. When worshiping, we must realize that we serve a high and lifted God, and also the God-man Jesus who humbly came to live among us. 

Who we say Jesus is will shape our actions and our view of God.


Come worship this Sunday with us! Click here for a list of the songs we will sing. It will be the first five on the list. 

In Love,


Many Seasons, Same God

     In life we go through lots of changes. We move to a new city. We meet new people. We get a new job. We remodel our house. We experience hardships, joy, or struggles. These things affect our emotions. 

    Recently, I have realized that my life is a crazy roller coaster of ups and downs. I can have the worst morning and then the day later gets better because I get to see friends, go to church, or simply because it stops raining. Our emotions are everywhere throughout the day. And I  have realized that I cannot only worship God when I feel like it. 

I cannot base my worship on how I feel. My emotions should not determine whether I worship the Lord or not. 

A friend told me a quote the other day. She said: "Feel the feelings, but know the truth." 

Hebrews 13:8 says:

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."

Reading this gives me comfort that something in life is constant. Jesus is constant and better than anything that we could ever find. Rest in that truth. Know that life will drive you crazy, but rest in the truths of Scripture. Worship Him simply because He is constantly deserving of our praise. 


Click here to listen to our songs for Sunday. It will be the first five on the list. 


With the Affection of Christ Jesus

           In Philippians 1, Paul discusses the love and joy that he has for his brothers and sisters in the Lord. This church in the city of Philippi provided Paul with supplies, prayer, and joy. The book of Philippians is a letter to these beloved people while Paul was in prison. In verse 8, Paul says that he misses his church "with the affection of Christ Jesus." His affection towards this church is so sweet. Just thinking of them while he is in prison gives him joy. I love to think of the church as people that I love with the affection of Christ Jesus. In other of Paul's letters, he has to correct churches for their actions or doctrine. But with Philippi, we see a church who loves each other and a church who loves and supports Paul on his missions. May we be a church that is united in this way. 

I cannot wait to worship together on Sunday! 

with the affection of Christ Jesus, 


Here are the songs for Sunday! Have a great week! 

-Sweetly Broken

-Our God

-I Stand Amazed

-Revelation Song

-Lord, I Need You


Click here for the link to listen to the songs on Spotify.

Preparing For Worship

This week's set list consists of the following songs:

1.  Grace Alone

2. 10,000 Reasons

3. The Solid Rock

4. Lamb of God

5. Give Me Faith


Click Here for a link to the following songs:


Psalm 34:1

"I will praise the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips."

Have a great week! 

With love,


Our Only Satistfaction

    In Psalm 73, David begins to wonder why the wicked tend to prosper in life while he  is being afflicted. He has a question that I tend to wonder at times. David first admits that he almost slipped and went astray like the wicked. He says things like "they have an easy time until they die..." It doesn't seem fair to David. But until David enters God's sanctuary, he does not understand why life can be so tough even though he is being obedient to the Lord. He then realizes that God puts people in situations that bring them to desolation (vs. 18-19). There, they have to realize that the Lord is everything. There is so much grace in God allowing us to fall. When we fall, we learn that God is the only thing that truly satisfies us.  David discovers that he has everything because he has God. Everything on earth will fade, rot, or die. There is no way to have satisfaction in something of this dying world. Material things, money, and even good relationships will come to an end. In verses 23-28 David states:

"Yet I am always with You; You hold my right hand. You guide me with Your counsel, and afterward You will take me up in glory. Who do I have in heaven but You? And I desire nothing on earth but You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart, my portion forever. Those far from You will certainly perish; You destroy all who are unfaithful to You. But as for me, God's presence is my good. I have made the Lord God my refuge, so I can tell about all You do."

We see this picture of complete surrender to the Lord. David understands that the Lord is forever and that the Lord's  presence is our good.  May it be our prayer and desire to only put our satisfaction in the Lord, for He will never fade.


This week's set list:

Grace Alone by Dustin Kensrue

Sweetly Broken by Jeremy Riddlee

In Christ Alonne (Hymn)

Oceans by Hillsong United

Nothing But the Blood (Hymn)


See you Sunday!

In love,





Take A Moment


     The following topic derives from a lesson that I am studying for a retreat weekend. It has reminded me of things that I know, but often "forget."

 I know that you have a busy life. I know that you are tired and at times feel like you don't matter or feel like you are not accomplishing anything. I know that you have to go home and cook dinner. But before you cook dinner, you have to go grocery shopping, pick up a prescription, get the oil changed, and then finally make it home to cook for your family. Maybe you are in school and your teachers have loaded you up with homework. Maybe you just got fired and would love to be tired from working all day. I get it. We all have crazy schedules that drain us.  

     But have you stopped?  I sure am guilty of spreading myself too thin with jobs and busy schedules.  I also am guilty of not making time to spend alone with Christ. I think we come to this point where we make excuses not to spend time alone with our Father. We must realize that we cannot go a day without the grace of God guiding our lives. I have to think: What if Jesus only spent time with God once or twice a week? If we are called to be more like Jesus, we must take action into getting to know the Father as he did. Yes, I am aware you may not have time to stop. But let's take a look at Jesus for a moment. We see in scripture that Jesus took time away from his ministry and social life in order to spend time with the father.  At times we see him send the disciples ahead of him to create a time alone with God. In Mark 1 verses 35-39, we see Jesus rising early before his day begins to spend time with the Father. He is alone and praying to the Father before the sun is even awake. Jesus realizes that this time is foundational before he begins a day pouring into others and literally healing them. Right after this time with God, he went to heal a leper in Galilee. You see, Jesus had to make time to spend with the Father. Think of how much more drained Jesus would be without starting his day alone with God.  We must ask the question: "If time alone was important to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, how much more do we need this time in our life?"

     So before Sunday, or Tuesday, or whatever Bible study comes up, let us find a time to pause, worship, and seek the Lord alone. 

"How sweet Your word is to my taste-sweeter than honey in my mouth. I gain understanding from Your precepts; therefore I hate every false way." (Psalm 119:103-104)

"Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you..." James 4:8


This week's set list:

This is Amazing Grace by Phil Wickham

Our God by Chris Tomlin

Lamb of God by Vertical Church Band

How Great is Our God by Chris Tomlin

Open The Eyes of My Heart by Paul Baloche


We will worship together on Sunday!

With love,


cast our crowns before HIM - Preparing for Worship this Sunday at RGCC

Worship Set List for Sunday:

  • 10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman
  • O Victory In Jesus 
  • Your Glory by All Sons & Daughters
  • Holy Spirit by Bryan & Katie Torwalt
  • 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus


     In Revelation Chapter four, we see the passage where John comes before the throne of God in a vision. John tells of vivid imagery of the throne of Christ.  Yet, it is still hard for us as humans to actually know what the throne room of Christ looks like. We try to imagine heaven as best as we can, but still it remains a mystery. Our human minds are limited. Rather than focusing on what heaven looks like, we should rather look to the focus of the scripture. We see the Lord displayed on a throne with twenty-four elders around him.

We see four living creatures who never cease to say: "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!"

When the creatures say this, the twenty-four elders cast their own crowns before the Lord. Then the elders say: "Worthy are YOU, our Lord and God,  to receive glory and honor and power, for YOU created all things, and by YOUR will they existed and were created."

We see this picture of selfless worship of the elders and creatures in the throne room. They get it. They understand that Jesus is everything. That He alone can satisfy our every need. The elders response is my favorite part. They cast their crowns of reward to Jesus because they know that anything they ever had done was nothing compared to what God does through Jesus Christ. 

     Jesus is an all-powerful God but yet oh so personal. We have been learning in Hebrews 4 that Jesus has been tested in every way and that He can sympathize with us. He is the Almighty God who made heaven and earth, who made everything we see, who made US. Better yet, Jesus came to us and died for us. He is the ONLY God who comes to man. He knows we could never come to Him on our own. So He changes us and makes us a new creation. 

When come to understand this gospel truth, the only correct response is to WORSHIP our God. Don't wait for Sunday to worship. Respond the gospel and praise and honor Him today with your lives. Rejoice that you can boldly worship Him at any time and give Him the honor due His name. We will worship together on Sunday. 

In love,

     Lydia Simonds