Take A Moment


     The following topic derives from a lesson that I am studying for a retreat weekend. It has reminded me of things that I know, but often "forget."

 I know that you have a busy life. I know that you are tired and at times feel like you don't matter or feel like you are not accomplishing anything. I know that you have to go home and cook dinner. But before you cook dinner, you have to go grocery shopping, pick up a prescription, get the oil changed, and then finally make it home to cook for your family. Maybe you are in school and your teachers have loaded you up with homework. Maybe you just got fired and would love to be tired from working all day. I get it. We all have crazy schedules that drain us.  

     But have you stopped?  I sure am guilty of spreading myself too thin with jobs and busy schedules.  I also am guilty of not making time to spend alone with Christ. I think we come to this point where we make excuses not to spend time alone with our Father. We must realize that we cannot go a day without the grace of God guiding our lives. I have to think: What if Jesus only spent time with God once or twice a week? If we are called to be more like Jesus, we must take action into getting to know the Father as he did. Yes, I am aware you may not have time to stop. But let's take a look at Jesus for a moment. We see in scripture that Jesus took time away from his ministry and social life in order to spend time with the father.  At times we see him send the disciples ahead of him to create a time alone with God. In Mark 1 verses 35-39, we see Jesus rising early before his day begins to spend time with the Father. He is alone and praying to the Father before the sun is even awake. Jesus realizes that this time is foundational before he begins a day pouring into others and literally healing them. Right after this time with God, he went to heal a leper in Galilee. You see, Jesus had to make time to spend with the Father. Think of how much more drained Jesus would be without starting his day alone with God.  We must ask the question: "If time alone was important to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, how much more do we need this time in our life?"

     So before Sunday, or Tuesday, or whatever Bible study comes up, let us find a time to pause, worship, and seek the Lord alone. 

"How sweet Your word is to my taste-sweeter than honey in my mouth. I gain understanding from Your precepts; therefore I hate every false way." (Psalm 119:103-104)

"Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you..." James 4:8


This week's set list:

This is Amazing Grace by Phil Wickham

Our God by Chris Tomlin

Lamb of God by Vertical Church Band

How Great is Our God by Chris Tomlin

Open The Eyes of My Heart by Paul Baloche


We will worship together on Sunday!

With love,
