Brothers & Sisters in Christ:
This week I want you to be reminded that you are loved, prayed for, and that you are not alone. Whatever trail, struggle, temptation, or hardship, God is still God. He's walking through the tough times with you. Know that you have a family of believers, that is the Church, to encourage and walk through life with you.
This year, my church family has meant so much to me with the loss of my mom and just trying to transition to new things in life. The encouragement I've received in my lowest times has helped me know God's character even more. In a world where we are told to become "our best selves" and rise to the top, we can often forget the importance of community. A body of believers can help hold us accountable to our weaknesses and encourage us when we need it. I am thankful for each and every one of you and your impact on my life.
So in the midst of your trial, seek the Lord first. Go to scripture. Then, find a brother or sister in Christ to seek godly wisdom from. You are called into community that should reflect God's character.
I'll see you all on Sunday to worship our God together!
This week's playlist:
- All Creatures of Our God & King (Hymn)
- Mighty to Save (Hillsong)
- When My Heart Is Torn Asunder (Phil Wickham)
- You're Beautiful (Phil Wickham)
- Pass Me Not (Hymn, Fernando Ortega)