This week, men, women, and children were persecuted and killed for their faith in the Middle East. As I read this article, I couldn't help but cry and have a heavy heart for the families. I was deeply saddened, but also encouraged by the boldness of these men and women. They professed the name of Jesus until their last breath. The article states that more and more Muslims are are converting to faith in Jesus Christ. Today, I hurt for the families of these martyred believers, yet I rejoice that they are in the presence of our Savior right now because of the grace and faith of Jesus Christ!
So today, remember what a privilege it is to worship Jesus Christ without fear of persecution or death. I praise God that I can freely worship Him. We ought to be so thankful and all the more excited to worship our God and Savior.
Here's the setlist for this week!
1. Oh How I Need You (All Sons & Daughters)
2. In Christ Alone
3. Even More (Lydia Simonds)
4. You Hold It All Together (All Sons & Daughters)
5. Tis' So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
I am thankful that I get to worship with you on Sunday! Bring a guest and I'll set you then!