A Different Perspective

     Here's a little about my past ten months serving at Redeeming Grace:

 I came to Redeeming Grace in January of 2015 to serve as an intern. I had the opportunity to lead worship, work with students, and serve in any other way that the church needed. I quickly fell in love with the people of Redeeming Grace, the city of Loganville, and how God allowed me to use my talents for His glory. Music has always been my favorite way to serve the Lord and leading worship is how He gifts me to lead His people in corporate worship. Not only did I get to serve leading worship, I got to work with high school students, write blogs, serve in community outreaches, and simply just be a part of the Church. I had grown so much just being in a community of believers at Redeeming Grace. Around April, it was getting close for my internship to end. However, the Lord had been slowly working on my heart. I couldn’t begin to even think about leaving Redeeming Grace. My walk with Christ was growing, I was serving in all the ways Christ has given me, and I felt like I was home every Sunday at church. It did not make any sense to leave, and I had an overwhelming peace that I needed to stay. I told Chris that I was thinking about staying and he and the rest of the church quickly supported my decision.

Chris and Stephanie have been a constant encouragement in my walk with Christ, giving advice when needed. I have been able to encourage the students or give advice on things that I have gone through or am experiencing. They’ve encouraged me as well. I have the privilege of leading worship and singing with people who have a passion for the Lord. They are also all super talented!

A few years ago, I was angry with the American church. Angry. Confused. Frustrated. Hardened towards people that I should love. I struggled to understand why people were so two-faced and not living out the Biblical church. God showed me over the course of a few years, that HE IS CONSTANT. He was, is, and will be forever consistent. The Lord was patient with me during my time of prolonged disobedience, so I have to be patient and gracious to His Church. The Lord has softened my heart and allowed me to be more patient with the Church. I am still very passionate about living out a Biblical example of the Church. Still, when I see or hear something that angers me, I am quickly reminded that that was me just a few years ago. I was the judgmental, prideful church-goer that kind of turned her nose up at “sinners.” I never would I have said I dealt with being so unloving, for I was too blinded by my pride. But today, I have graciously been humbled by a Father filled with compassion.

I can honestly say this has been the best and most difficult year of my life. My mother has Multiple Sclerosis (MS), which is a nerve disease that slowly takes over the body. She can no longer walk, bathe, eat, or leave the house by herself. My heart struggles daily with anger towards sin causing the disease versus knowing the grace that God’s grace is sufficient. My family has grown closer in some ways, yet farther in others. Thankfully, my brother Luke and I have grown so close within this last year. He has become one of my best friends and one of my best brothers in Christ. A few months ago, I realized that I struggle with a little bit of anxiety. However, breakdowns reminded me that God is still reigning and in control despite my worry and confusion.

This has also been the best year of my life. I get to serve at a church where I feel excited to go and learn every Sunday. I get to be encouraged by the body of Christ continually. I have never felt more at home at a church than when I’m at Redeeming Grace. I even dread leaving after services sometimes. I know that God has placed me here for a reason and I am excited to see how He uses our church to impact Loganville with the truth of the Gospel in the upcoming days, months, and years.


Two things that I have learned this year:

-Seek to leave people encouraged.

-Know you are not alone. We have the body of Christ and most importantly, Christ Himself.


See you Sunday! 
