Over the winter break, I had a terrible cold. It left me feeling weak and awful for at least a week and left me with no voice to sing on Sunday. I absolutely love singing; not just because I enjoy it or because God has gifted me with music. Singing is my favorite way to give praise to God.
The word "sing" in the English Standard Version Bible is mentioned 115 times. We are commanded to sing and to direct our praise to the only One deserving of praise: Jesus. On Sunday, I played guitar and mouthed the words to the songs as Olivia and Alex lead. I got praise the Lord for sure, but I realized how much singing actually does for my soul. You see, when I sing at church, at a coffeeshop, or with friends, every frustration, joy, piece of anger, emotion, etc comes out in a SONG to the Lord. I began to wonder what it would be like to not ever sing out during a song of worship. The more you sing out, the more you believe the truth of the song. You can almost feel it. Worship through song is such a tangible way to see God's church and your faith in action.
When I get sick and cannot sing, even my mood changes. I get quieter, and often sad. I know that God is still ever-glorious in those moments, but sometimes a song can help me remember what God tells me in Scripture.
Silence brings every daily thought to a hault and forces you to question purpose, why you work, why you praise God, who you are...etc. (You know, those deep moments in life that cause you to think of every philosophical thought you've ever had.) I personally don't like being quiet for too long, and if you know me, you're probably laughing because you know that I'm pretty talkative. I love when every moment is filled with talking, song, or laughter.
However, I am currently trying to embrace the silence. To learn, to read scripture, to pray, to seek God when life becomes (for a moment) less busy. Silence helps me reflect on my life and to remind myself of why I need to seek the Lord.
My challenges to you are this:
1. Actually sing songs of praise to God; even if you don't feel like it. Sing loud and respond in praise because God is so worthy. Praise with your life and with your lips.
2. Embrace the silence. Even when you feel alone, bored, or just stuck in the mundane of life. Pray, cry out to the Lord, ask Him your questions. Listen to what the Lord is leading you to do, or who He is leading you to talk to.
Come prepared to sing a new song to the Lord on Sunday. In your alone moments in the car this week, pray. Here's a song for you to learn for the next couple weeks at church. You are loved my friend! See you on Sunday!
Love you all!