Freedom To Worship

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. -2 Corinthians 3:17

What freedom we have in Christ. We have the freedom to approach Him boldly as we learned in Hebrews, yet humbly like a child; knowing that He has our every need. During the past few weeks of studying "The Lord's Prayer," I have learned so much on how we should approach our God and Savior. Seeing Jesus demonstrate how we should approach "Our Father in heaven," has been humbling and renewing. Just the fact that Jesus, our God in the flesh, prays to the Father should motivate us even more to prayer, and to pray as Jesus does in Matthew chapter six. 

With each day, we are given breath and a new day by God to glorify Him in the best way possible.  What a privilege! By the blood of Jesus Christ, we can worship a God who is high and exalted. He died for us to have a relationship with Him; to grow and glorify Him with our lives. We have a freedom that is by the Spirit. I have to constantly remind myself that God deserves all of the praise, honor, and glory. Let's worship Him, remembering that He died, defeated our death and his, and rose again in order to bring us to Him. Praise be to God! 

I pray for the church this week. That as we go, we would be reminded of Christ's sacrifice for our sins and His love for us. That we would be reminded of the freedom we have to approach Him, without fear, and glorify His name.

I love you all! Have a great week!

-Lydia :)