This Fall is going to be an exciting season in the life of Redeeming Grace Community Church! On September 10th, we will be launching our new Community Groups, starting our new Sunday Morning Children's Ministry, and putting into place some really intentional ways to reach out and build relationships with our community. We really believe this will be a season of new relationships, deepened relationships, and most importantly a season where the Gospel goes out into our community and people are saved by the amazing grace of Jesus Christ. We also know that all of this is something that only God can do and that is why we are going to spend the next seven weeks in a season of prayer and fasting.
From Monday, July 24 to Saturday, September 9 we are asking all who are willing and able to spend six days a week (Mon-Sat) fasting and praying for our church, our ministries, our people, and our community. How you fast and what you fast from is totally up to you, just be sure to take the time normally devoted to whatever food, activity, technology, etc. you choose to fast from and devote it to giving thanks to God for what he as already done in our church and ask for his strength and blessing on what comes next.