
Scripture is the life blood of Redeeming Grace Community Church. Our sermons are exegetical and we seek to proclaim biblical, gospel truth every single week as we gather together. Our songs, readings, confessions and prayers each week are either composed completely of scripture or find their roots there. Our small groups are times set aside for the people of our church to come together and talk about the deep truths of the Gospel that have the power to change our lives each and every day. As we say together every week after the reading of the sermon passage: "Thanks be to God for His word".


If scripture is our lifeblood of our church, prayer is our breath. We place a great deal of emphasis on prayer both private and corporate.  Prayer is our communication with the Almighty God and something we are commanded to do in Scripture.  During services, there are times that individuals can pray silently in a private way and we also spend time praying as a corporate body.


The call of the Christian life is to do everything to the glory of God. At Redeeming Grace we want to worship him in spirit and truth not only through word, song and sacrament, but also in our ministries, missions and relationships. We believe worship is a 24/7 endeavor that we get to celebrate together every at Sunday morning service.


Scripture commands that we love one another as Christ loves us.  In light of this, our church is a place where we not only cultivate our relationships with God, but also with one another.  This is a place that you can come to and feel loved no matter your situation, background, etc. We believe the Christian life is one meant to live in community where we share one another's burdens, joy and pain and constantly show the love of Christ to each other and the world around us.

Mercy, Ministry & Mission

In the Great Commission, Jesus called us to go and make disciples, baptize them and teach them the goodness of the Gospel and his commandments. We are also called to care for the poor, sick, orphaned, widowed and lost. At Redeeming Grace we take these calls very seriously as we seek to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community by doing the best we can to meet the needs of those around us who are hurting and in need of the Gospel. It is also our desire to continue answering the call to go by reaching beyond our community to other parts of our nation and world with the good news of Jesus. As a church plant, we also want to be a church that starts churches and supports new churches as they answer the same calls in their communities.

Our pastors and elders are always available to answer any questions or concerns that you have, so if there is anything you didn't see here that you'd like to know please do not hesitate to contact us.